Conference themes
The leading idea of the conference is environmental management. The environmental management should be understood as the performance of management functions in relation
to the environment as a managed system and its individual components (air, water, soil, etc.).
In other words, it is the management in which the subject is the environment. It is also management of usage, protection and shaping the environment.
Nowadays environmental management is construe as an interdisciplinary concept, integrating many aspects, among which the most important angles: environmental, legal, economic, technical and ethical, as well as aspects of responsible management may be included.
The aim of the conference is the integration of young researchers and practitioners working
on the issues of sustainable development, to encourage people from different backgrounds
to work together and create interdisciplinary teams engaged in research, related to the new paradigm of development.
The first Conference of the series "Contemporary conditions of environmental management" was held in November 2013.
The conference was attended by a large number of participants, representing the scientific centers from Poland and from abroad.
Exemplary issues elaborated during the conference
Environmental aspects |
Legal aspects |
Economic aspects |
- functioning of protected areas, including, in particular, Natura 2000 territories,
- the use of the natural resources,
- environmental threats,
- ecological safety and risk management system,
- the influence of the various sectors of the economy on the natural environment,
- ecological agriculture
- legal aspects of conducting business,
venvironmental protection in the investment process,
- urban planning in accordance with the principles of sustainable development,
- legal instruments of environmental management,
- organization of environmental management system,
- access to the environmental information,
- environmental law principles,
- public-private partnerships in the environmental protection
- financing of environmental protection,
- environmental management instruments,
- valuation of the natural environment and its elements,
- cost-benefit analysis in the environmental protection,
- environmental policy and its objectives,
- indicators of sustainable development,
- ecotourism,
- ecologistics,
Technical aspects |
Philosophical aspects |
The responsible management: quality - efficiency - ethics
- environmental protection engineering,
- Environmental Monitoring
- renewable energy,
- energy-efficient construction,
- Life Cycle Assessment,
- philosophical aspects of sustainable development,
- environmental ethic,
- the concept of homo economicus and homo sustinens,
- axiological basis of environmental protection
- development of ecological ideas,
- evolution of the concept of sustainable development,
- modern concepts and methods of management,
- problems related to personnel management,
- organizational development - the effectiveness and efficiency,
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporal Sustainable Development
- environmental management,
- standardized management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, BS 18001, etc.),
- relationship management with stakeholders (customers, owners, employees, collaborators)
- good and bad management practices.