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>Indicators for sustainable development - Polish experiences
T. Borys, Wydawnictwo "Ekonomia i Środowisko", Warszawa-Białystok 2005, stron 128

Indicators for sustainable development - Polish experiences

The need to provide an indicator oriented quantification for the new development paradigm, generally a ssociated in the world with the concept of sustainable development, does not require any broader justification. The basis for developing sets of indicators is to substantiate this concept to monitor progress related to implementation of various documents regarding perspective planning (policies, strategies, programs, etc.). by means of dealing and improving on an ongoing basis the agreed and well specified set of measures.


Author's Note
  1. Experience No 1 - coordination of Polish research on indicators for sustainable development
  2. Experience No 2 - recognition of the concept of sustainable development
  3. Experience No 3 - legal and strategic basis for sustainable development
  4. Experience No 4 - identification of major methodical problems
  5. Experience No 5 - searching for the main "filter" of selection of indicators
  6. Experience No 6 - Polish indicators of sustainable development
  7. Experience No 7 - interconnecting research on indicators and public statistics
  8. Experience No 8 - first Polish analyses in the P-S-R
  9. Experience No 9 - the relation of sustainable development indicators for strategy planning
  10. Experience No 10 - first Polish sustainable development audits including the indicator module
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